The "Give a Shit" Plan

Everything that sucks in your life can change. You just have to give a shit.

What's the worst thing in your life right now?

Think about it, write it down. This experience, this person, this aspect of your life that's making everything suck... Does it bother you enough to fix it?

When's the last time it affected you? Think about the last time you got REALLY pissed off about it. Now ask yourself, do you give a shit?

If you're still bothered by it, if you complain about it or think about it daily, I can tell you right now... You give a shit. And giving a shit is a very good start to making improvements in your life. But maybe you don't know how to fix it. Maybe it's too big, it's overwhelming. You haven't "figured it out" yet.

If you give a shit, but you don't know where to start on making shit happen, let's talk.

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